What to Consider When Moving in with a Roommate

Rent is getting more expensive, which depending on where you live might not make it feasible for you to be able to live alone. Bummer, we know. It’s the harsh reality of life post-college that can also carry-on into your 20’s and 30’s, depending on what city you’re in. Living in a specific area could also be determined by your job where you might not want to spend hours commuting everyday. One way to save money, cut some of your expenses and still live in your desired area, is to move in with a roommate. A common and very cost-effective option for young adults, however there are a few things to consider before you up and move in with someone new. Read on to check out what to ask to determine if your prospective roommate is right for you.

Reach out to your network:

Put out an ad:

Set up a time to talk:

Meet your prospective roommates:

Get to know each other:

Discuss bills, cleaning and more:

Create a roommate contract:

Look for a place together:

Move in! Call you your local movers, pack up all of your stuff and enjoy your place with your new roomie!

Moving in with a roommate can be challenging. It’s best to be as prepared as possible as you get to know your roommate. If everything works out, check out local movers for rates to help make the moving process easy.