Where to Donate Clothes When You’re Moving

You never realize how much you actually have to wear until you start packing up your closet to move. And a big part of the reason for this is that, for most of us, we have more clothes than we want or need. Sometimes we hold on to clothes that don’t fit or clothes that we simply don’t like to wear. Other times we just accumulate too much (nobody needs three shirts in the same color). Regardless of why or how you end up with clothes in your closet that you have no intention of ever wearing, moving is a great time to edit down your wardrobe. From there, your task becomes not how you’re going to pack all these unnecessary items, but where to donate clothes and shoes you don’t want so someone else can benefit from them.

Donating clothes is a great way to make a difference, and there are many organizations that make it easy to do so. If you’re wondering where to donate clothes before your move, you’ve come to the right place. Here are eight places that will gladly take those unwanted garments off of your hands and pass them on to somebody who does.

Thrift stores

Dress for Success

Career Gear


Consignment shops

Local shelters, community centers, or religious centers

Soles4Souls and Clothes4Souls

Planet Aid

Keep it or toss it?

Need some help deciding whether an item is worth keeping or should go in your donation pile? Generally, the rule is that if you haven’t worn an item in a year you should get rid of it. You can also go the Marie Kondo route and get rid of everything that doesn’t “spark joy” for you. Some other hints that something would be better off donated than in your moving boxes:

  • If it doesn’t fit
  • If it’s not your style
  • If you’re only holding on to it for sentimental reasons or because it was a gift
  • If you have duplicates of it
  • If you don’t ever have an occasion to wear it
  • If you always skip over it when it comes time to get dressed

Keep in mind that in addition to clothes, the stores and organizations mentioned above also accept shoes, jewelry, bags, and other accessories.