Where to Find Moving Boxes While Quarantined

Not sure where to find moving boxes? Unfortunately, the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic makes it more difficult to obtain moving boxes and supplies. Unlike the good old days when you could borrow free boxes from friends or seek out used moving supplies from online marketplaces, you’ll now have to rely on retailers to ship you pretty much everything. Free and/or used moving boxes are a definite no-no during the ongoing pandemic. According to the CDC, evidence suggests that Coronavirus remains “viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials” – and cardboard is no exception. In fact, Covid-19 remains stable and detectable for up to 24 hours on a cardboard box. Suffice to say, now is not the time to share moving supplies with friends and strangers.

In addition, if you plan to order moving boxes on Amazon, you may have trouble obtaining them in a timely fashion. Due to increased demand, Amazon’s Prime delivery service for a number of items is now experiencing delays. In fact, some product shipments are now delayed for several months. An Amazon blog post points to the company’s recent focus on “high-priority items to ensure the fastest delivery of household staples, medical supplies, and other high demand products coming into our fulfillment centers.”

While this delay is understandable, it’s not practical if you need moving boxes ASAP. After all, moves can’t wait. So, what’s one supposed to do when moving boxes and supplies are hard to come by? Fortunately, we have you covered. Here are five retailers (besides Amazon) still selling and delivering cardboard boxes to customers.

Where to find moving boxes while quarantined

The Home Depot





Dos and don’ts of finding moving boxes during Coronavirus

Now that you know where to find moving boxes and supplies during the Coronavirus pandemic, take note of these important dos and don’ts.

  • Do wipe down new cardboard boxes – Stay safe and healthy by wiping down new cardboard boxes with disinfectant wipes before assembling them in your home.
  • Do not seek out used moving boxes – In addition to avoiding moving boxes borrowed from friends, we recommend not seeking out used boxes on various online marketplaces. For instance, don’t obtain used boxes from Craigslist or U-Haul Box Exchange during this time.
  • Do keep or recycle moving boxes after the move – Planning to move again soon? Might as well keep the moving boxes you have. If you don’t plan on using them in the near future, be sure to drop them off at a nearby recycling center.
  • Do not borrow moving boxes from friends – The last thing you need to do during quarantine is touch or borrow items that have been inside another person’s home – this includes cardboard moving boxes.
  • Do practice good hygiene throughout the moving process – Practicing good hygiene while packing and moving is the best way to avoid contracting the Coronavirus or passing it along to others. Wash your hands, wipe down surfaces and stay at least six feet away from neighbors and movers.
  • Do not rifle through a recycling center for boxes – While it’s okay to drop items at a recycling center, avoid rifling through bins and touching unnecessary items while you’re there. Also, do not take used cardboard boxes from the recycling center.

Moving soon?

To find a reliable moving company, check Moving.com’s extensive network of movers. Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!