Why Moving Always Costs More Than You Think

Hate to break it to you, but moving always costs more than you think. The reason? Additional moving expenses such as packing add-ons, closing costs and transportation fees add up during the process. Fortunately, there are ways to plan and budget for these moving costs, if you know what to expect. Here are 8 reasons why moving costs more than you think.

Movers are expensive

Moving supplies add up

You may need to hire professional packers

You’ll have to pay transportation fees

Liability coverage and third-party insurance costs extra

You may need temporary or long-term storage

Homeowners will have to pay closing costs and Realtor fees

You’ll likely need new furniture

How to cut costs when moving

Thankfully, there are a number of ways to cut down on moving costs. Several of the easiest include:

  • Checking Moving.com for deals and discounts – For discounts on plastic wrap, moving boxes and other moving supplies, check our online box center. We’ve partnered with UBoxes.com and UsedCardboardBoxes.com to provide discounts on all necessary moving supplies.
  • Purge your belongings – The less stuff you have to move, the easier your move will be. So make sure to sift through your belongings and purge the items you won’t be needing prior to the move. Not only will this save you from having to rent a storage unit, but it will also save you from having to pay movers to transport unnecessary belongings.
  • Seeking out free moving boxes and supplies – Of course, you can always search for free moving boxes at your local library, big box stores, schools and recycling centers.
  • Avoiding peak moving season – Peak moving season typically runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. As the demand rises during the summertime, so do the moving prices. To avoid paying more than you have to, we suggest scheduling a late fall or winter move when moving company rates are usually lower.
  • Saving receipts for tax deductions – When moving, make sure to save your moving receipts and donation receipts. Come tax season, you may be able to claim the cost of your moving expenses and/or the value of your donations as a deduction on your tax returns.

Ready to move?

Whatever your budget, Moving.com’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers makes it easy to book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. For additional help organizing and budgeting for your move, try our comprehensive Move Planner. We provide you with a customizable moving checklist, personal tasks list, helpful recommendations, email reminders and coupons. Best of luck and happy moving!