Why You Might Want Moving Truck Insurance

Accidents happen—that’s why insurance exists. However, if you’re driving a rented moving truck and have an accident, does your insurance policy cover the damage? Moving truck insurance fills in those liability gaps for you.

Moving truck insurance

Many consumers find their auto insurance policy doesn’t cover their rental vehicle too late—after an unfortunate accident. Before you drive a rental truck off the lot, check with your insurance provider to see if you’re covered.

If it turns out that you’re not protected, then you should purchase an optional moving truck insurance protection plan through the rental company to safeguard your items and reduce your liability.

Types of moving truck insurance

There are four primary types of supplemental protection plans for moving truck rentals: Damage Waivers, Supplemental Liability Insurance, Personal Accident and Cargo Insurance, and Auto Tow Protection.

Read up on each type to find out which coverage works for your situation.

Damage waivers

Damage waivers relieve you of certain financial responsibilities concerning loss or theft of items or damage to the truck rental or towing trailer. Waivers are available as either Personal Damage Waiver (PDW) or Limited Damage Waiver (LDW) policies. In a PDW policy, the renter has zero responsibility. In an LDW policy, the renter is responsible for the first $500 of loss or damage (in most cases). It’s important to note damage waivers are not insurance; they are optional plans to increase your protection.

Supplemental liability insurance

Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) is an insurance policy to protect you and your items from damage claims made against you by others. In most cases, the maximum amount of SLI coverage is $1,000,000. When considering whether or not to accept this coverage, read the policy carefully, because there are typically many exclusions in their terms and conditions.

Personal accident and cargo protection

A Personal Accident and Cargo protection plan covers you and your items while you’re driving the rental truck. If you are injured or your items are damaged due to certain listed causes, your protection plan covers the costs. Personal Accident and Cargo protection plans don’t cover damage caused by shifting cargo, theft, or burglary. Many truck rental companies may also have exclusions, and most of these policies are strictly for non-commercial customers.

Auto tow protection

If you are using a trailer to tow your car, an Auto Tow Protection plan will cover the vehicle against damage while in transport. This coverage applies to vehicles towed by either a car dolly or a car trailer. This policy covers against most forms of damage, including fire, explosion, flood, hail, windstorm, vehicle overturn, landslide, and collision. There is typically a deductible involved, so make sure you know how much you’re liable for in the event of a damage-causing situation.