Your Guide For Driving to Alaska

There are a lot of great reasons to move to Alaska, including affordable real estate, a lack of income and sales tax, and truly breathtaking natural beauty. But you’ve got to get there first, and for many movers, that means hitting the roads. Driving to Alaska isn’t necessarily all that difficult, but it is important to know what you’re getting into. Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about driving to Alaska, including how long it will take, how you should get there, and what you should expect along the way.

Driving to Alaska: The Basics

There are some unique things to keep in mind when you’re driving to Alaska.

For starters, if you’re coming from the U.S. then you’re going to cross international borders twice—once when traveling from the U.S. into Canada and then again when you cross from Canada back into the U.S. You’ll need your passport, as well as international currency and/or a credit card that works internationally (though it’s a good idea to always have some cash with you when you’re moving by car).

Another important thing to note before getting into more specifics is that you’re going to come up against some potentially tough terrain. While driving to Alaska isn’t quite the scary endeavor that many anticipate it will be, it’s important that you go in prepared. Have a spare tire and tools ready to go just in case, and have your car checked before you go to ensure it’s in good condition for the trip.

How Long Does it Take to Drive to Alaska?

The length of your trip depends on where you’re starting from and how many stops you’re going to be making along the way, with it taking about 37 hours to get from the Canadian border up into Alaska by car.

Assuming you go straight through, here’s how long it will take you from major U.S. cities.

  • Seattle to Alaska: 2,233 miles, about a 42 hour drive
  • New York City to Alaska: 4,345 miles, about a 72 hour drive.
  • Boston to Alaska: 4,539 miles, about a 74 hour drive.
  • Chicago to Alaska: 3,548 miles, about a 60 hour drive.
  • Miami to Alaska: 4,932 miles, about a 78 hour drive.
  • Dallas to Alaska: 3,865 miles, about a 65 hour drive.
  • Los Angeles to Alaska: 3,357 miles, about a 59 hour drive.

Popular Routes When Driving to Alaska

You have a couple of different options when it comes to your route. Here are some of the most common that people take when driving to Alaska from the U.S.

The Alaska-Canada Highway

One of the most popular routes to get to Alaska from the mainland United States is along the Alaska-Canada Highway, also referred to as the Alaska Highway or the Alcan Highway, which starts in Dawson Creek, British Columbia and ends in Delta Junction, Alaska. You’ll have to figure out your best route up to the highway’s starting point, but once you get there, you’ll be relieved to find smooth, paved roads and the occasional rest, food, or gas stop.

In total, the Alaska-Canada Highway is about 2,000 miles long and utilizes a few different roads. Note that while the highway is well maintained, you’re still going to be up against some windy mountain roads, so plan your timing accordingly.

Stewart-Cassiar Highway

The Alaska-Canada Highway is what most U.S. travelers take driving to Alaska, however if you want a more scenic route then consider taking the Stewart-Cassiar Highway, also referred to as Highway 37 BC or just the Cassiar. The Cassiar Highway travels through northern British Columbia, forking off from the Dease Lake Highway in British Columbia, and it’s a lot more secluded than the more popular Alcan (as well as 130 miles shorter).

The Cassiar Highway is ideal for sight-seeing, with a good chance of spotting some impressive wildlife. That being said, food, gas, and hotel options are sparse along the route, and you’ll likely go many miles in between amenities. When you see a gas station, it’s probably a good idea to stop and fill up—even if you’re not nearing empty on your tank. Bring plenty of food along with you too so that you’re not dependent on running into a restaurant.

Driving the Cassiar is a good choice if you want a more rugged, wild drive up into Alaska. And if your plan is to combine your travels with a proper road trip, then it might be your best bet. The highway meets back up with the Alcan at the Upper Liard.

Which Is Better: Alaska Highway or Cassiar Highway?

That depends! The Alaska Highway is the more popular route, so you’ll find more along the way in terms of rest stops and conveniences. And what the Stewart-Cassiar Highway lacks in amenities it makes up for it in gorgeous sights (though the Alaska Highway surely doesn’t disappoint either). It’s up to you which you prefer, with either route a good choice for driving to Alaska from the U.S. as efficiently as you can.

Driving to Alaska From Seattle

Seattle is the closest major U.S. city to Alaska, so many travelers plan their drive from their own city to Seattle and then from there up north to Alaska. But while it’s certainly closer than cities like L.A. or New York, Seattle is no hop, skip, and jump from the Alaskan border. You’ll need to traverse more than 2,000 miles to get to Alaska from Seattle—a trip that takes about 42 hours in total along the Alaska-Canada Highway

If you’re stopping to see the sights along the way then a road trip from Seattle to Alaska can easily take a couple of weeks. And even if you’re not stopping along the way except for rest, food, and gas you’ll still need to allot nearly a week for the trip, which factors in about eight hours of driving a day.

Road Conditions When Driving to Alaska

You’ll see lots of different vehicles driving to Alaska, including everything from huge RVs to sedans and other small cars. Both the Alcan Highway and the Cassiar Highway are paved, which means you don’t have to worry about traversing difficult terrains. Do note however that the roads are narrower on the Cassiar than they are on the Alcan, which could slow you down in traffic (though traffic is pretty unlikely when you’re driving deep in Canadian wilderness).

It’s important to reiterate that you should have your vehicle checked out by a professional before you leave. They’ll be able to make sure that everything is in good condition for the trip, and can also make additional recommendations, such as if your car would benefit from snow tires.

Planning on driving a moving truck to Alaska? There are special considerations you’ll want to remember there too. Take a look at our guide to driving a moving truck across country for advice on everything from driving a moving truck through the mountains to driving a moving truck in rain and snow.

Best Time of Year to Drive to Alaska

The roads that you’ll face when you’re driving to Alaska largely depend on the time of year that you’re making your move. If you’re worried about conditions, schedule your move for late spring or summer, when the roads are most likely to be free from ice and snow.

Major roads between the mainland United States, including the Alaska Highway, are maintained during the winter. As such, if you do decide to head out during the fall or winter (or if you don’t have a choice due to the timing of your move), you’ll certainly be able to make it—though you’ll need to keep in mind the unique factors related to moving in inclement weather. Another thing to keep in mind is that many service stops, including hotels, restaurants, and even gas stations, close for the winter when tourism is down. If you’re driving in winter, do some research into what’s open and schedule your travels around those stops.

Sights To See Along the Way

It’s impossible to avoid the heart-stopping beauty of nature when you’re driving from the U.S. to Alaska—and why would you want to! Whether you stop to see just one or detour to see them all, here are some of the best sights to see on your drive.

If you’re driving the Alaska-Canada Highway…

Dawson Creek

Liard Hot Springs

Yukon Wildlife Preserve

If you’re driving the Stewart-Cassiar Highway…

Bear Glacier Provincial Park

Mount Edziza Provincial Park

Boya Lake Provincial Park

Other essential stops if they’re on your route…

Glacier National Park

Banff National Park and Icefields Parkway

Jaspar National Park

Common Questions about Driving to Alaska

It always helps to go into any long drive with as much information as you can gather. To help you out, here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about making the trek to Alaska, with plenty of advice for ensuring you have the best trip possible.

Do you need a passport to drive to Alaska?

Yes. You will cross the border twice when you go from the U.S. to Canada and then back from Canada into the U.S. Have a valid, up-to-date passport with you for border crossings, even if you have a REAL I.D., since those do not replace passports for international travel.

Is driving to Alaska dangerous?

Nope! You’ll find paved, well cared for roads the entire way (unless you make some detours), which makes this trip pretty standard—at least so far as the safety of road conditions. The biggest safety consideration to keep in mind comes down to access to amenities, since there are long stretches without anywhere to fuel up, rest, or get a bite to eat, let alone get your car serviced. So long as you plan ahead for this—including packing plenty of food in the car and having your car serviced prior to heading out—and bring along cell phones and maps the lack of amenities shouldn’t be a big deal.

Is the drive difficult?

That depends on what you consider difficult. The drive to Alaska from the U.S. is very long and often secluded, which means long stretches of driving with little relief. This can make the trek difficult, especially if you are driving alone. Weather could also make the drive a bit tougher than normal. If you’re looking to make the drive as easy as possible, try to plan your trip for spring or summer, when roads are clearer and tourist stops are open.

What kind of vehicle is best for driving to Alaska?

Any car that you have should be perfectly capable of making the trip so long as it’s in good condition (all the more reason to have a mechanic give your vehicle a once-over before you head out). If you’re concerned about your car in the winter, now may be the time to invest in snow tires since you’ll probably want them up in Alaska anyway.

Should you bring a spare tire?

Yes. Both the Alaska-Canada Highway and the Stewart-Cassiar Highway feature long swaths of road without any service centers. If you get a flat tire, you’ll want to have a spare on hand, plus the tools to swap it in.

Do you need to bring extra cans of gas?

No. On average, you can get about 400 miles out of a full tank of gas when you’re driving on non-city roads, and the longest distance between fuel stations when you’re driving up to Alaska is about 200 miles. You can certainly bring along extra gas if you want it for peace of mind, but a better plan is just to top off when you can—even if you’re not nearing an empty tank. Many of the fuel stations along the way close in the evenings, so when you see an open station during the day you’re best off taking advantage.

What supplies should you bring?

Like any road trip, the food and supplies that you bring with you when making the drive to Alaska depend on your own preferences, though it’s definitely good to have some things on hand. If you’re moving, you should already have your essentials bag easily accessible in the car. This bag contains all of the items you might need before you’re able to unpack at your new home, including medications, important documents, basic toiletries, changes of clothes, and snacks and water. The longer it will be before you’re settling in at your new home, the more that you’ll need, so plan ahead and factor in the amount of time that you’ve allotted for your drive.

What snacks should you bring?

The best road trip snacks are those that fill you up while also being convenient to eat. If you’re driving alone, this will probably be things like protein bars, jerky, peanut butter packets, granola, and handheld fruit that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, like apples and bananas. Bringing along a cooler is a good way to increase your food options on the road, but you’ll need to be able to stop and replace the ice as you go. And while food options are lacking along the drive, they’re not non-existent. You’ll be able to stop and grab more items, and you won’t have to be relegated solely to protein bars for the extent of your drive.

Is there cell phone coverage when driving to Alaska?

Usually, though it’s not 100% reliable. When you’re passing through towns you should have no trouble getting cell and data service, however things might get spotty the further up you go (and the more spread out the towns get). Before you head out, take a look at a dead zone map to view what areas might be guaranteed to lack service, though note that these zones are self-reported so once you get into the less population-dense areas of the Canadian provinces the info might not be totally up to date. And check with your cell phone provider to see if your plan extends into Canada, since otherwise you’ll end up facing some steep roaming fees.

As a backup for your cell phone, buy or rent a portable WiFi router for your car, which at least ensures you’ll be able to communicate when you don’t have a signal. You can also bring along a satellite phone.

Can you rent a U-Haul to drive one-way to Alaska?

You’ll need to call specific locations and ask, but U-Haul does have Alaska locations so you should be able to rent a moving truck for a one-way drive. If you need to ship a lot of items, your better option with U-Haul might be renting a U-Box, which is a portable moving container that allows you to pack up your items in the U.S. and have them shipped and waiting for you when you arrive in Alaska. You can find answers to common U-Box questions here.

Tips for Driving to Alaska

Read on for some of our best tips for driving to Alaska—some of which we’ve already covered but are worth mentioning again.

  • Take your time. With such a long stretch of road ahead of you it makes sense that you want to get in as many driving hours as possible every single day. As a general rule of thumb though, you shouldn’t drive more than eight to nine hours in any one day, with a rest scheduled around hour four or five. And since you’re going to be driving for a week or more when you head up to Alaska, you should err on the lower end of that recommendation. Driving fatigued is incredibly dangerous, especially when rest stops are sparse.
  • Have the right currency. You never know if you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need cash, so it’s crucial that you have both U.S. and Canadian currency on hand. You can exchange U.S. dollars for Canadian dollars at the Canadian border, or you can use your debit card right when you get into Canada to pull out Canadian currency directly from the ATM. Check out exchange rates here.
  • Plan for stops. Rest stops, fuel stops, and food stops along the Alaska Highway only pop up about once every 100 to 150 miles. A full tank of gas will take you further than that, but if you come up to a fuel stop and you’ve only got half a tank or so, fill up then instead of pushing it until the next stop. The same goes for rest: if you’re feeling tired on the road, stop and rest instead of trying to make it another 100 miles. As for food, keep snacks and water in the car so that if you get hungry between stops you’ll be able to get what you need right away.
  • Bring a GPS and a map. The markers along the Alaska Highway can get a bit confusing, since they’re in kilometers, not miles, and are outdated in some places. To make sure you always know where you’re at, where you’re going, and how far you have to go, you’ll want to rely on more than just markers, so bring along a GPS and a map. (That way, if you lose signal and the GPS isn’t working you’ll still have a backup.)

More Information on Driving to Alaska

There are some great additional resources to read prior to making your drive. Many people who drive from the U.S. to Alaska swear by The Milepost, the so-called “Bible of North Country Travel,” which has been in publication (with regular updates) since 1949. Another good pick is Ron Dalby’s Guide to the Alaska Highway.

Driving to Alaska—like living in Alaska itself—is a total adventure. Enjoy the trip, and don’t forget to stop and enjoy the scenery every once in a while! It’s a long drive, but well worth it.