11 Tips for Holding a Successful Pre-Move Garage Sale

If there’s one thing that’s always true about moving, it’s that it is the perfect opportunity to get rid of things you no longer want or need. And while you could easily just trash, recycle, or donate those items (and if you do want to donate, here’s a guide on where to do it), hosting a pre-move garage sale is an excellent way to both get rid of things and make a couple extra bucks to cover those moving expenses.

There are even more benefits to a pre-move garage sale than just making some easy money. The less stuff you have to load on the moving truck, the lighter the truckload and the cheaper your move will be. Plus, you’ll spend a lot less time packing and unpacking items that you don’t have much use for anyway. And if you have a sentimental tie to the items, it may feel better to see them going to a new owner than just getting them out of sight.

Hosting a successful pre-move garage sale takes a bit more work than simply arranging your things on your front lawn and sticking up a sign. If you want to get rid of the most items possible and for the best price possible, follow these 11 tips for doing your garage sale right.