7 Tips for Moving in a Week or Less

Moving is a time intensive process. Ideally, you’d have a month or so to plan, and a couple weeks to pack and clean. In reality, many of us have found ourselves moving in a week (or less!), adding chaos to the already inherent stress of moving and an extra layer of “why did I get myself into this?!” that can slow you down and psych you out. But have no fear: even moving in a hurry can be done without losing your mind.

My most hurried move took place several years ago, when I had three days’ notice of a cross-country move from Miami to Chicago (with a dog, nonetheless). Another time, pure laziness meant that I started packing up an apartment at 10pm the night before a move, with the movers set to arrive at 7am. I got it done though, and you will too. Here are 7 tips for a successful move on short notice.

Breathe, then plan

Gather enough supplies

Enlist some help

Take less stuff

Forget about organization

Don’t forget the details

Hire professional cleaners if you have to

Moving in a week or less isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Be conscious of time management, and just focus on getting things done. Be sure to prioritize self care during this time, too. You won’t have time to run out for a massage, but you should certainly be getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated. You need your body and mind to be in good shape. Overall, stay positive—it might not be fun, but you’ll get through it.