12 Ways to Beat Unpacking Procrastination

Let’s face it: unpacking is overwhelming. Unlike packing, which has a clearly defined deadline (i.e. moving day), when you get unpacked is really up to you. And after an exhausting move, it makes sense that it would be difficult to dive in and get it all done right away. Living among stacks of moving boxes isn’t ideal, however, at some point even the worst of unpacking offenders need to grab their box cutter and get to work. Here’s how to beat unpacking procrastination and finally get settled in your new place.

Give yourself a deadline

Start easy

Forget your plan

Do a little at a time

Play music, not TV

Put stuff in your way

Reward yourself

Get out of your head

Ask for help

Don’t aim for perfection

Define your procrastination triggers

Think of your end goal

There’s nothing inherently wrong with unpacking procrastination, but the alternative—being completely settled in to your new home and getting to spend your time on the things you actually want to be doing—is worth beating it for. So fight the urge to do nothing and instead follow the advice above. You’ll be glad you did.