Helping Hands: 8 Ways Kids Can Help Move

Life doesn’t stop just because you’re moving. You still need to show up at your job, the dog still needs to get walked, and the kids still need your care and attention. And while you can’t do much about incorporating your job or your pets into the move, your kids can certainly get involved. Giving your kids some of their own moving responsibilities—provided they’re within their skill set—keeps them busy and entertained, and many kids love to help out with “adult” tasks around the house. So don’t just turn on the TV and distract your little ones—give them something to do. Here are 8 ways kids can help move.

House hunting

Getting rid of stuff

Mapping out their new room

Labeling and decorating boxes

Tackling the pantry

Cleaning up

Packing up their essentials bag

Unpacking assistance

Moving is a big transition, and it can be stressful on kids. By keeping them involved, you distract them from what could be a scary undertaking and help them feel like they have a little bit more control over the situation. And with so much to get done, there are plenty of ways kids can help move. For additional advice, check out these additional ways of keeping kids busy during a move.