Easy Ways to Achieve Feng Shui in Your Home

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of consciously arranging your home to promote balance and a positive flow of energy (also called chi). Translating simply to “wind-water,” feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, and is rife with principles that anyone can use to increase harmony within their interior space.

The practice of feng shui aims to affect the “invisible forces” of your home. For a less spiritually-focused understanding, think of it as a way to arrange your space with intention, placing furniture and décor in such a way that makes the most sense for maximizing the utility of each room and making spaces flow as efficiently as possible. It’s a great basis for all types of interior decorating, and a good jumping off point if you’re looking for inspiration on how to rearrange a room—or how to set up a room in the first place.

If all of this sounds like a lot of work, then you’re in luck. There are a lot of easy steps that you can take to welcome the principles of feng shui into your home and create a more harmonious space. To get you started, here are seven of them.

Clear the Clutter

Strike a Balance Between the Elements

Position from the Point of Command

Let There Be Light

Focus on Your Entryway

Fix Your Doors

Plant Some Goodness

You don’t have to be a yoga-loving, green juice drinking, crystal clutching wellness maven to enjoy the best of feng shui. Use the easy tips below to dip your toes into the feng shui waters, and see how you feel once you’ve made the changes. From there, you can get more in depth into the principles behind it and bring even more peace and harmony to your home.