Home Security in a Rental: 10 Simple Tips to Keep Yourself Safe

The last time I lived by myself, it was in a rented apartment in the heart of Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. It was my first (and last) time living alone with just my dog for company. Though I enjoyed it immensely, I also suffered from a bit of irrational fear. My worries were broad and varied, and I cast a side-eye glance at any truck lingering on my street after dark, wondering if someone was planning a robbery-or worse.

Living in fear isn’t exactly the best way to go about your life, but the world can be a dangerous place. And in fact, according to statistics, you’re more likely to be burglarized as a rental tenant than if you own your home. Thus, precautionary measures are a good idea whether you’re moving into a home alone or with other people. But when you’re renting and can’t very well have a wired home security system installed, what are your best bets?

Ask your landlord to install locks on any first floor windows

Ask for a new lock on the front door

Get a dog

Install a streaming camera

Explore rental-focused home security systems

Don’t let anyone in who you don’t know or aren’t expecting

Install outdoor lights

Make it look like you have more security than you really do

Out for the night? Give the illusion that you’re home

Get renter’s insurance

Safety precautions are important no matter where you’re living. Follow a few-or all-of these tips to be more secure in your rental property, and if you do feel something is off, never hesitate to call the police for assistance.