How to Make Moving with Dogs Easier

My dog is no stranger to moving. Together, we’ve moved apartments, cities, and states. We’ve moved during suffocating Miami summers and freezing Chicago polar vortexes. Once, we moved cross country with just three days’ notice. And while she isn’t much help when it comes to packing or carrying boxes, my dog always knows how to make a move easier on me. In turn, I go out of my way to make moving easier on her as well.

Moving with pets can be tricky. Whether you’re moving pets across country or just to a new place in your same town, the general sense of upheaval will feel the same to them. Animals are notoriously territorial, and they feel stress just as much as humans do (if not more, since they can’t talk it out). They’re experts at reading the body language of their people, and can easily pick up on – and appropriate – the anxiety and strain that is typical during the moving process. They’re also tied to routine, and can get confused and alarmed by the sudden shift in the to-do list.

But while dogs are all of these things, they’re also surprisingly adaptable. Home is wherever they’re together with you, not any individual four walls. As for the process of moving itself, it’s going to be a little chaotic for your dog no matter what you do. It’s par for the course. But thankfully, there are some things you can do to make it easier – and maybe even a little fun – for your furry one.

Condition them to moving supplies before you start packing

Stick to your normal routine as much as possible

Exercise, exercise, exercise

Keep them entertained

Set up a quiet spot for retreat

Make use of anxiety aids

Find another place for them to be on moving day

Practice patience and compassion

You’re never going to be able to completely eliminate the stress of moving for your dog, but you can do everything in your power to make the situation easier and help them adapt to their new situation. Sure it’s more work on top of what you’re already doing, but it’s always going to be worth it.