How to Become a Digital Nomad in 10 Easy Steps

Whether it’s sitting on a beach with a laptop in-hand or working from a remote mountain town, the world is your oyster when you’re a digital nomad. Fortunately, it isn’t as hard as you think to ditch the 9 to 5 desk job and become a location independent worker. All that’s needed is a decent internet connection, a remote-based job and an affordable place to live. With the right planning and know-how, you too can live and work wherever you please. Here are 10 tips on how to become a digital nomad in today’s ever-connected world.

How to become a digital nomad

Start saving your money

Find a job that allows you to work remotely

Create a passive income stream

Figure out your budget

Research cities and potential homes

Obtain or renew your passport

Research visa and work permit details

Learn the language (or at least try!)

Find a support system in your new city

Locate your home embassy

Ready to start your digital nomad life?

While international moves are certainly stressful, figuring out how you’re going to move abroad doesn’t have to be. Check here for your official moving abroad checklist. In fact, thanks to our network of reputable and reliable international movers, finding the right company to handle your relocation is a cinch. We vet all movers for key certifications, capabilities, and insurance. Movers must also be licensed and bonded with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC). In addition, all moving companies based outside of the U.S. are in good standing with FIDI, the largest global alliance of professional international moving and relocation companies. Best of luck and happy moving!