How to Dog Proof Your New Home After Move In

Do you have a dog who likes to get in to everything? Dogs have a habit of poking their nose and paws into things that they’re not supposed to, which isn’t such a big deal if you’re prepared for it but can be quite stressful right after you move. With so much to do already, taking the time to dog proof your new home might seem like one more time-consuming extra step. But dogs don’t stop being curious creatures just because it’s inconvenient for you, and chances are high that your dog will be even more curious than usual when exploring their new digs.

To make the process of dog proofing your new home after a move a bit easier, prioritize the rooms that pose the most potential problems (kitchens and bathrooms should be at the top of your list), and then keep your dog out of other areas that pose a hazard until you get a chance to tackle those as well.

Keep in mind that in addition to basic dog proofing to dos, you’ll also need to pay close attention to keeping packing supplies away from any curious canines. This includes throwing away all packing tape and plastic wrap as soon as you remove them from boxes and ensuring that you don’t leave anything sharp around where your pup might come in to contact with it (keep those box cutters on the counter). Otherwise, dog proofing a new home is very similar to dog proofing any other home. Let’s break it down room by room.

The kitchen

Start your dog proofing to do list in the kitchen. This room can be tricky to dog proof while you’re unpacking, since you might not know yet where all of the potentially hazardous items are going to end up. As you’re going through each step, accept that you might have to move things later on to their eventual homes, but that the important task now is getting them out of paws’ reach.

  • Unbox and put away all items that could be dangerous to your dog, including food and cleaning supplies.
  • Quickly dispose of all unneeded packaging.
  • Store your trash in a bin with a lid, instead of having a loose trash bag out.
  • Close all cabinet and pantry doors when you’re not around to supervise.
  • Move chairs away from countertops so that your dog cannot climb them to get up there.

If your dog has been known to open up cabinets or doors, install child proof latches to keep them out of areas that pose a danger to them.


Similar to kitchens, bathrooms need to be dealt with early on, since they tend to be the storage grounds for items that you don’t want your dog getting access to.

  • Unbox and put away all bathroom cleaning supplies, medications, perfumes, and other hazardous items.
  • Keep the toilet lid closed so that your dog can’t drink from there—you never know what sorts of cleaning solutions the previous tenant or owner used in there.
  • Immediately stow away any items with cords.

Once again, use child proof latches to ensure that your pup cannot nudge their way in to cabinets, drawers, and other areas that they’re not supposed to be digging around in.

Laundry room

Laundry rooms aren’t very safe spaces for animals. If you can’t just close off the room entirely from your dog, use shelving or boxes to block off access to the space behind the washer and dryer, since it poses an electrocution risk. In addition, ensure that all laundry detergents, dryer sheets, and other supplies, as well as any other general cleaning supplies that you plan to store in the laundry room, are either tucked away in a secured cabinet or stashed on a high shelf.


You shouldn’t have to do too much work right away in the bedrooms, aside from making sure that cords and any small items are stored where your dog can’t get them. There are a few other things to note, though.

  • While you’re unpacking, check closets and drawers before closing their doors so that you don’t accidentally lock your dog in there.
  • If your dog has a tendency to chew on shoes, keep them packed in a sealed box until you’re ready to deal with them, and once you do, make sure they’re in an area you can close off.
  • Don’t leave open any windows that your dog can reach, or leave climbable boxes in front of higher opened windows.

Other interior living spaces

Use common sense when it comes to dog proofing the rest of your new home right after move in. This includes things like:

  • Keep your dog behind closed doors in a room that they can’t get into any trouble in while you’re unloading the moving truck, since the front door will constantly be open. Put their bed, a bowl of fresh water, and some toys in there to keep them cozy and occupied.
  • Make sure there are no errant small or otherwise dangerous items lying around, such as string, twine, tiny toys, etc.
  • As mentioned previously, dispose of all hazardous packing materials like packing tape and plastic wrap right away, and keep the trash in a bin with a lid.
  • Don’t leave breakable objects on the ground where they can get knocked over by excited tail wags. Items made of glass, crystal, porcelain, and so on should be stored away immediately or temporarily left to sit in areas that are out of reach.

The garage

If your furry friend is going to be hanging out with you in the garage at any point, then you’ll need to dog proof it. While it might not seem like a top priority, some of these tasks are more difficult to do once you’re fully moved in, so it’s probably easier to get this room done sooner rather than later.

  • Clean the floor. The previous tenant or owner could have left dangerous substances on there, such as anti-freeze or leaked oil.
  • Stow away chemicals and sharp objects where your dog can’t get to them.
  • Transfer any items in cardboard boxes to plastic bins for long-term garage storage (this is good both for keeping your dog out of them and for keeping outdoor pest out of them as well).

The backyard

Humans are a dog’s best friend, but a good backyard is a close second. Before your dog gets to romping, cover a few outdoor dog proofing basics.

  • Check for any plants that are toxic to dogs and remove them. The ASPCA has a comprehensive list of toxic and non-toxic plants that you can use as a guide.
  • Check for cocoa mulch in any planting areas, which is appealing to dogs and also toxic to them. You can usually identify it by its chocolatey smell.
  • Take a close look at any existing fencing to be sure there are no holes, broken slats, or other areas where your dog could escape from.

You probably won’t be able to know if pesticides have been used in the yard previously, but moving forward be sure to never spray pesticides on your grass, since they are strongly correlated with cancer in dogs.

If you’re a conscientious dog parent, then most of the to dos on this dog proofing checklist are probably second nature to you already. But in all of the chaos of moving, it helps to have some guidance you can refer to so that you don’t leave any important steps undone. We suggest you print this article so that you don’t miss anything, or at least study it carefully before moving day. Safety is always the most important factor in any move, and that definitely includes the safety of your beloved canine companion.