How to Deal with Moving in Bad Weather

Your moving day is finally here and it’s (pouring, snowing, really hot or worse!). Whatever the weather condition might be, it can be really hard to move when the elements from the weather aren’t on your side. Additionally, for some people changing the move date can be near impossible if it’s connected to your new work schedule. Also, if you need to be out of your old house or apartment or are unable to reschedule with your moving company without losing your deposit. So when the bad weather strikes, you’ll just have to deal. Check out some tips to help make this process (a little) easier.

Moving in Bad Weather

Discuss your move:

Make sure that you’re prepared for the day:

Wait for a break in the weather:

Be diligent about your packing:

Cover up bulky items:

Use waterproof bins:

Take extra care with expensive items:

Have your items professionally packed:

Place towels and padding in your new home:

Take pictures:

Remove wrapped items:

Have trash bags on-hand:

A typical move is hard. Add moving in bad weather into the mix and you have a whole new host of issues to deal with. We hope that these tips will help to make your move a little easier, and getting assistance from movers, packers or possibly moving your date can also help as well.

Happy moving experience!