What’s the Best Way to Pack Books?

Books are a treasured item that can sometimes be really hard to part with when you move. While it’s important to purge and get rid of what you don’t need before you move into your new place, books can sometimes be a little trickier to assess whether they stay or go. For some, books can be a reminder of a beloved childhood moment, or for others a favorite book in college. These keepsake items often travel with us from move to move before we actually decide on whether they should be placed in storage, passed along to a friend, donated, and in some instances, thrown away. To help you out, we’re sharing a guide on evaluating and packing your books during a move to help you organize them in the most efficient way possible. Read on to check out some of our tips and advice for getting your books in order.

Assess your books

Get them out of your house

Pile your boxes

Get your moving supplies

Layer the boxes

Pack your books

Make the most of your boxes

Seal your boxes

Repeat the packing

Label your boxes

Books are special items that can be hard to part with. After you figure out which books are moving on with you to your new home, you’ll want to make sure that you pack them in an efficient and organized manner. But if you really can’t part with your beloved novels, storage is another option to hold onto them without having to move them into your new home.