How to Keep Your Kids Busy During a Move

Moving can be really hard. It can be especially challenging if your kids are going to be with you during the moving process. Ideally, having a babysitter, friend or a family member watch your kids on moving day would be the best option, but we get that having childcare isn’t always possible. So if your kiddos are going to be with you during a move, you’ll want to make sure that there are some activities for them to do while you deal with any last-minute packing, organizing, navigating the movers, or any other moving day activities that you’ll likely have to deal with. To help you prepare for the big move with kids, check out some of our tried and tested moving day activities.

Create a moving day activity kit

Make sure they have their special stuff

Deck of cards


Use what you have


Dance party

Break out a ball

Talk a walk

Download something fun

Staring contest

Moving can be tricky when you have little ones with you. Since there’s so much going on, you want to make sure that they have activities and things to do to keep them busy. We hope these options will give you some ideas to make moving with the kids a little less stressful.