How to Get Rid of Chipmunks In and Around the Home

Does your home have a chipmunk problem? If so, you need to fix the pest issue as soon as possible. Believe it or not, these small furry creatures can cause big problems with a home’s structure and foundation – not to mention, destroy your outdoor gardens and walkways. These cute little rodents are also known to carry a variety of not-so-cute diseases, which could negatively affect you and your family. While chipmunks are rarely aggressive, the creatures may bite or scratch when threatened. Not sure how to get rid of chipmunks? We can help. From your yard and patio to your roof and gardens, here are a few ways to prevent and treat a chipmunk infestation in and around your house.

Signs you have a chipmunk problem

Chipmunks tend to be quick and quiet, making them hard to spot. In fact, you may have a chipmunk problem in your yard and not even know it. Here are a few ways to identify a chipmunk infestation.

  • Evidence of damage in the garden or flower beds – Does it look as though something has been munching on your plants, flowers and fruits? You may have a chipmunk problem. Oftentimes, chipmunks choose to burrow in gardens and flower beds, so keep an eye out for damage to your gardens.
  • Tiny footprints in the yard – If you’ve got a chipmunk problem, you may spot chipmunk footprints in your yard. Chipmunks have four toes on the front feet and five toes on the hind feet. Keep a look out for prints in the dirt around the sides of your home, garden or garden shed.
  • Cracked sidewalks and issues with the house foundation – This could be evidence that chipmunks are building tunnels underneath your walkways and home. If you spot evidence of chipmunks tunneling around your home, you’ll need to take care of the pest problem asap to prevent structural damage.
  • A high-pitched chirping sound– Think you have a chipmunk inside your home? Listen out for high-pitched chirping noises that sound like “chip chip”. If you do find a chipmunk in your home, make it easy for them to escape. Trust us – they don’t want to be inside your house any more than you want them to be there.

How to get rid of chipmunks in and around your house

Don’t let chipmunks destroy your yard and foundation. The best way to stop damage from chipmunks and other rodents is by preventing an infestation in the first place. Here’s how to get rid of chipmunks in and around your house.

Get rid of the bird feeder

Prune and clean up trees and bushes

Install an L-shaped footer under a patio, deck or walkway

Remove wood piles

Plant bulbs inside wire cages

Trap and remove them humanely

Try a rodent repellent

Need to find a professional pest control service?

If the chipmunk problem is out of control, then it’s time to call in the professionals. For help finding a professional pest control service, check out our tips for hiring service providers for your home. Need help planning your upcoming move as well? Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!