How to Host Thanksgiving After a New Move

The holiday season is both an exciting and super busy time of year. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, there are tons of parties, events, activities and more that is sure to keep you busy. Another way that this season can be even busier is if you have to move during this time. While it’s not an ideal time for a move, there are certain aspects of moving –whether due to a new job, or a recent home purchase, –where you don’t have a choice on the time of year for your move. If you happen to be moving right around the time of Thanksgiving, you’ll want to figure out your plan for this holiday before you actually move. If hosting Thanksgiving in your new home or apartment is important to you and your family, you’ll need to be organized, pack your items separately and figure out your plan for the dinner, even if it’s on a smaller scale than what your family is used to. Read on for some practical pre and post moving tips that can help you host Thanksgiving dinner after your new move.

Pack what you will need:

Make sure your table is put together:

Unpack your kitchen items:

Figure out your menu:

Enjoy the holiday:

Moving is hectic all on its own. Adding a move during the holidays into the mix adds a new level of planning and organizing that you have to deal with. If you think you would like to have Thanksgiving in your new home, you’ll also want to make sure that you have a plan in place before and after your move. We hope that these tips helps to make this time easier as you settle in and enjoy your first Thanksgiving in your new home!