Moving Between Moves: 7 Tips for Finding Short Term Housing

In an ideal world, moves would match up perfectly. Your existing lease would end the same day your new one starts, and you’d already have a brand new home ready for the day the sale of your current home closes. In the real world, though? Things have a way of being a little more complicated.
It’s not uncommon to find yourself with a few days, weeks, or months to spare in between moving dates, which means having to find a place you can stay in the interim. Fortunately, there are quite a few options when it comes to temporary housing, and you should be able to find a great place to call your home-between-home for however long you need. Read on for 7 tips you should consider when looking for short term housing, and advice for choosing your best option.

Know your options

Use a broker

Have a plan for your belongings

Be flexible with your search

Consider the length of your stay

Don’t forget the pets

Take all costs into account

Finding a short term rental can take a little bit of work, so be sure to start your search early. Even if you’re not moving for a couple of months, you should be able to find information about availability for your desired move-in period ahead of time. Be sure to expand your search beyond the internet too, and actually call leasing managers with inquiries. A lot of times you’re only seeing basic information online, and the real deal pricing and availability can only be learned through speaking with someone at the property. With so many types of short term housing options however, you should be able to find a great fit.