Moving to a New City? 9 Tips for Finding a Place to Rent

Finding a place to rent when you’re moving to a new city can be tough. Aside from the fact that you’re not physically there to check out properties, you’re generally left guessing when it comes to what neighborhood would be the best for you and what reasonable rent prices are in the area. Thankfully though, the internet exists. And as long as you know what to research-and who to reach out to-you should have no problem finding that perfect place to call home in a brand new city.

Figuring out how to rent an apartment out of state starts with some careful planning. You don’t want to wing it and risk signing a lease in a neighborhood that doesn’t have what you need or requires a complicated daily commute. Long before you rent a moving truck, you’ll want to consider the key factors that make up your ideal apartment and the steps you’ll need to acquire it. Take the time to do it right, and you’ll have a much better chance of ending up with something great. Here are 9 tips to get you started.

Start your research early

Figure out your general preferred location

Familiarize yourself with the local market

Keep a wish list

When in doubt, use a rental agent

Be prepared

Go visit if you can

Avoid scams

Consider a short term rental

Finding a rental when you’re moving to a new city requires a lot of research and a bit of luck, but eventually, you’ll end up with a great place to call home in your new location. Stay positive and stay focused – the right apartment is out there, you just have to find it.