Moving With Cats Cross Country: Tips and Advice

Oh, the special joy of moving with cats cross country. Our feline friends are territorial creatures, and most of them don’t even want to move from one bed to the other, let alone across the continental United States. But if you’re heading out on an interstate move so too are your furry ones, and the more you can do to ease the transition the better.

First, let’s start with a little bit of reassurance. Because yes, cats can be stubborn and set in their ways, but they’re also quite resilient and adaptable. If you’ve traveled with your cat before then you probably realized that your own stress leading up to the big day was the worst part about it. Moving with cats cross country is pretty much that with a bit of standard moving-related stress thrown in as well, and while it might be worrisome to imagine in the lead up, you and your kitty will get through it just fine. So take some deep breaths, and let’s get to the tips.

Prep For Peace of Mind

To Fly or Drive, That Is the Question

Talk To Your Vet, And Find a New One

Make the Carrier a Happy Place

Go For Some Test Drives

Pack a Kitty Essentials Bag

Settle In

Check out additional tips for helping your cat feel comfortable in their new home for a step-by-step guide to easing the transition.

All in all, you’ll get through this, and your cat will too! Reward them for their patience by leaving out plenty of empty boxes for them to play in, and then pat yourself on the back—you earned it.